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International Women's Day

8 Mar 2021

International Women's Day

The history behind the struggle and of the first pioneers who paved the way for the Female Lawyers of today is rich yet sobering. The UK recently celebrated the centenary of the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919 (3 December) which allowed women to exercise public functions, be appointed to or hold civil or judicial offices and posts and enter the civil profession.

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Top tips for negotiating a pay rise

23 Feb 2021

Top tips for negotiating a pay rise

Very few people relish the thought of heading into salary negotiations, but it is vital for both you and your organisation that you feel you’re being fairly recognised and compensated, particularly when you’ve earned your stripes and have demonstrated loyalty. Consider what the remuneration policy is and where your current package sits within this. Are you subject to scheduled salary reviews?

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How well do you know your co-workers?

17 Feb 2021

How well do you know your co-workers?

How well do you know your co-workers? Really know them. Do you know their highest aspirations? Chances are we keep even our personal conversations at work at a surface level. But what could we be gaining by taking that leap of faith and bringing our whole selves to work?

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Choose your recruiter wisely!!!

9 Feb 2021

Choose your recruiter wisely!!!

UK Recruitment Industry's £38.9 Billion Revenue During Challenging Year. Despite a challenging year, the UK's recruitment industry turnover reached £38.9 billion in the year to March 2019.

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Music is in our DNA

4 Feb 2021

Music is in our DNA

What music to play on the radio is a hot topic in the office, when it comes to music and productivity we are pretty much sold on the idea.

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Going In-house

1 Feb 2021

Going In-house

As a consistent trend over the past few years, the number of solicitors working in-house has been growing at a faster rate than those in private practice according to The Law Society. This trend still continues during the strange world we’re currently living in, due to Covid-19. Our In-house recruitment team have witnessed this surge in demand over the past few years, as teams compete to secure the best available talent.

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