Eight leadership skills you need to develop

Posted in Latest News on 24 Jan 2024

Leadership skills are one of the most important things you can have when looking for a new role. But even when you are not looking for a new job just yet, developing those skills is incredibly important.  

Of course, there are some obvious qualities – planning, problem-solving, delegation, and communication. However, other traits that set great leaders apart are more challenging to pin down. Here at Douglas Scott Legal Recruitment, we thought we’d share the eight things you need to have to stand out from the crowd as a leader.  

  1. Authenticity: Being yourself is critical to success in any role. But, if you are or aspire to be a leader, you need to be able to motivate and inspire others as well. Be self-aware, and put yourself in positions where you can highlight strengths and improve weaknesses. This will help show you as an authentic person, willing to grow and develop.  
  2. Curiosity: Always asking questions is important; thinking expansively and ambitiously will allow you to hone this trait. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and don’t be afraid to remain open to new experiences.  
  3. Analytical Prowess: A leader needs to break down complex problems and find solutions. And simply trusting instincts won’t be the way forward. Instead, you’ll need to be alert to patterns and trends and be able to use a blend of analytics, expertise, and ethical judgement. It’s not about being data-driven, but being data-informed.  
  4. Adaptability: Remaining flexible in an ever-changing world is so important. As the demands from clients or more senior managers shift and change, it is essential to be able to move and respond to these. If you, as a manager, are more adaptable to the world around you, you can foster a more agile team culture.  
  5. Creativity: No one should expect you to come up with every idea. But consciously trying to establish an environment where people can be creative and allow new viewpoints to flourish will help push your team and your leadership further.  
  6. Be comfortable with ambiguity: Being able to hold conflicting ideas and priorities is part of being a team leader. But it’s also important not to be too sure. Not being certain and focused will help you to recognise when a new approach is needed.  
  7. Resilience: As mentioned above, changing tact when needed is crucial. Having the resilience to say that you have made a mistake and need to change course is essential to being a good leader. Putting yourself in situations where the odds might be against you or without a clearly defined goal will help build your resilience.  
  8. Empathy: Understanding and connecting with others is paramount. You need to be able to step into your team's shoes and understand them and what they need to do their job. Having the emotional maturity to understand your team will allow you to create a supportive environment and fulfill your team’s potential.  

By trying to develop these critical skills, you’ll become a better leader and be more highly sought after. It’s essential to keep growing these skills and developing and learning. You won’t become a fantastic leader overnight, but by slowly building up these skills, you can become a leader others will respect and admire. 

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